Hi, I'm Jonathan and I make websites.
Check out some of my [sort of] recent projects...
This Site
Responsively supporting screens as small as 320 pixels in width, this site was designed to function just as well on mobile devices as desktop screens.
Tokyo 5
Sporting a responsive and randomized grid, this proof-of-concept for a wallpaper archive even has a cropping tool that doesn't use a plugin.
A personal site usable from any device, this site features cards that allow me to track my progress through various anime and manga.
... and learn something about me.
Who am I?
Currently located in Texas, I'm a web developer who creates fluid design, readable code and always leaves [too] many comments.
What do I do?
In addition to crafting prototypes in code, I strive to combine clean lines, strong typography and subtle use of color in every site.
Why do I do it?
Besides producing something useful, I have an insatiable desire to learn and every site provides an opportunity in code and design.
Ready to create something great together?